15p : Brown Booby (白腹鰹鳥) ; 35p : Common Noddy (玄燕鷗)
40p : White Tern (白玄鷗) ; £1,25 : Red-billed Tropicbird (紅嘴熱帶鳥)
St Helena (2008)
17th July, 2008. James Town (first day special postmark)
I have been shown covers from Ascension Islands and Tristan da Cunha, they are a group of islands which under St Helena government. This time I would show a first day cover come from there, it is series 2 of seabirds of St Helena. They are quite normal in these three islands, or Cape Verde Islands and south Pacific Ocean.
The cover, was not sent on the day of issue. I resent it back to St Helena after arrival of the order, and came back few days ago. However, St Helena and Hongkong did not leave any postmarks to prove the mail journery, only the registered labels on the two sides can be checked by Royal Mail and Hongkong Post.