Due to heavy reconstruction of this webpage, this blog is temporary suspended to renew in this summer, it will be updated again after late-autumn, thank you for your visits in these 9 years.

5 October 2009

Common Snipe

Common Snipe (田鷸)
Algeria (2005)

10th August, 2009. Setif
2nd September, 2009. Hongkong

Thanks Ouari again in here as he sometimes sent me first day covers and other interesting items from Algeria, however I feel sinning as I haven't sent him beautiful covers, and some of them may be damaged during postal processing. Above cover with detailed illustrations of Common Snipe, was printed by Ouari himself.

Common Snipe commonly actives in north part of the earth, some of them are resident birds but they may migrate to south in winter. Normally habits alone or in a small group appear on the fields and wetlands, it owns excellent protected colours which mainly in brown and black, with some yellow or white spots. It is not easy to be observed when they stay in the fields or yellowed grasslands.