Greylag Goose (灰雁)
Belarus (2009)
31st March, 2009, Pochtamt, Minsk
Belarus (2009)
31st March, 2009, Pochtamt, Minsk
A bird stamp issued by Belarus of same series of Year of Bird, this time is Greylag Goose, thank you Alexander again of this nice first day cover. A very common bird habits and bleeds in northern Europe to southern Siberia, includes north part of China and Mongolia. In winter it migrates to south and arrive southern Europe, seashore of Mediterranean Sea and south-east of China.
Greylag Goose doesn't be listed as endangered species, nevertheless as over-hunting or environment be damaged in area of Lake Poyang and Lake Dongting, the populations are being decreased in recent years.
Below cover was sent from Iceland on last year, with the maxicard posted in here few months ago. Same as the maxicard, the postmark is not clear enough and hard to read it.

Greylag Goose (灰雁)
Iceland (2005)
7th May, 2008. Garður
Iceland (2005)
7th May, 2008. Garður
Original posted on 10th April, reversed on 18th May.