Due to heavy reconstruction of this webpage, this blog is temporary suspended to renew in this summer, it will be updated again after late-autumn, thank you for your visits in these 9 years.

15 May 2009

Domestic birds of Singapore

From left to right :
5c : Crimson Sunbird (黃腰太陽鳥) ; 20c : Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (白眉姬鶲)
30c : Blue-throated Bee-eater (藍喉蜂虎) ; 45c : Yellow Wagtail (黃鶺鴒)
50c : Stork-billed Kingfisher (鸛嘴翡翠)
55c : Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot (藍冠短尾鸚鵡)
65c : Common Goldenback (金背三趾啄木鳥)
80c : Jambu Fruit Dove (粉頭果鳩)
Singapore (2007)

27th April, 2009. Jurong West
4th May, 2009. Hongkong

In 2007, Singapore issued a new series of definitive stamp illustrated flora and fauna. Eight of the whole set stamps are different birds, however some of these birds are not easy find in Singapore, but they are widely live in south-east Asian countries from India to Indonesia, or migrate from northern countries in winter time. They mostly appear in the forest area or conservation parks in this country.

Above cover franked all of 8 stamps which printed in different period, four versions are marked 2007A to 2007D for indicate what version they are. Thanks Lee of his great help of this cover, and wish health of his mother being better.