Eurasian Capercaillie (松雞)
Spain (2009)
17th April, 2009. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias
Spain (2009)
17th April, 2009. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Islas Canarias
From 2006, Spain post office begins new series of Fauna and Flora, two booklets with one bird and flower separately issue on each season, there have 28 stamps with 14 birds and 14 flowers have been issued.
Show here are two of bird stamps issued on 2007 and latest one issued on 2009. Two birds are very common in European countries, and Nightingale migrates to topical forest of Africa in winter each year. In Spain, two subspecies of Capercaille can be found in Cantabria region and the Pyrenees, however Canary Islands is exception place to find Capercaille.

Nightingale (夜鶯)
Spain (2007)
9th August, 2007. Torrelavega, Cantabria
Spain (2007)
9th August, 2007. Torrelavega, Cantabria