Wilson's Storm Petrel (黃蹼洋海燕)
Portugal (2008)
29th March, 2009. Lisbon
Portugal (2008)
29th March, 2009. Lisbon
From March 29, Lufthansa Italia begins to operate new business flight between Milan bound and Lisbon, an aircraft Airbus A319 is allowance on this flight which is brand new for this new airline. The flight operates daily from Milan on 1030 (flight LH1808) and 1300 to Milan (flight LH1809). Portugal post office have a special postmark to commemorate this event, and above cover is an example for the first flight LH1809 from Lisbon to Milan, unfortunately date postmark of Lisbon Airport and arrival postmark of Milan are omitted.
Two Wilson's Storm Petrel stamps are franked on this cover enough for 30g priority mail within EU area, the stamp issued on 2008 for International Polar Year and has been shown here before. In summer, Wilson's Strom Petrel widely lives in offshore of eastern North America, from SPM to Mexico ; Europe and northern Africa. And breeds on the coastline of Antarctic. The bird spends whole year on the sea except they are breeding.