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11 March 2010

Seabirds of North Keeling

L : White-tailed Tropicbird (白尾熱帶鳥) and Austropacific Masked Booby (藍臉鰹鳥/西太平洋亞種)
R : Great Frigatebird (小軍艦鳥) and White Tern (白玄鷗)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (1995)

21st December, 2009. Cocos (Keeling) Island

North Keeling Island is located in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an oversea territory of Australia. It is in the east of Indian Ocean and part of island now is national park. The park, named Pulu National Park was established on the 12th December of 1995, this small G-sharp island attracts many seabirds and sealife. Especially Red-footed Boody (紅腳鰹鳥), Cocos Buff-banded Rail (科科斯島紅嘴秧雞) and the Cocos Angelfish (科科斯神仙萬花筒).

Above two stamps come from the souvenir sheet Seabirds of North Keeling, which was commemorated the establishment of the Pulu National Park. Four seabirds are quite common in this island and the area of Indian Ocean.

Beside seabirds, there to be found some endangered crabs, this cover features four different crabs live in Cocos (Keeling) Islands.