From left to right :
Great Egret (大白鷺) ; Andean Cock-of-the-rock (安第斯動冠傘鳥)
Vermilion Flycatcher (朱紅霸鶲)
Peru (2003, 2007)
February, 2010. Chimbote
Great Egret (大白鷺) ; Andean Cock-of-the-rock (安第斯動冠傘鳥)
Vermilion Flycatcher (朱紅霸鶲)
Peru (2003, 2007)
February, 2010. Chimbote
Where does it come form ? The sender address, Cesar typed his city as Chimbeto of Peru, but it can't be found and the postmark read as Chimbote. Chimbote is the large fishing port of Peru, it is located in east coast of South Pacific. Actually the cover seems oddly as the postmark does not bear date as it can't be identify when did it send, however most of examples sent from Peru are looking like this, even it is registered mail. Anyway, I am little bit disappointed the first stamp ruined.
Three selected low-value bird stamps are come from different set, they are not match enough. The first stamp, issued on 2007 is a Great Egret. The picture was painted by Rubébn of Chiclayo, who won the second prize of competition Flora y fauna de mi región in 14-year old. Middle one, issued on 2003 is an Andean Cock-of-the-rock, it is a beautiful umbrellabird endemic to the north-east of Andes, it also is my third umbrellabird stamps I collected. Last one, also issued on 2007, is Vermilion Flycatcher, the beautiful reddish bird is easily to be found in tropical rainforest of Latin America and South America.