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6 February 2012

Children's health 2011

North Island Brown Kiwi (北島褐鷸鴕)
New Zealand (2011)

6th July, 2011. Whanganul

Takahe (南秧雞)
New Zealand (2011)

6th July, 2011. Whanganul

Kakapo (鴞鸚鵡)
New Zealand (2011)

6th July, 2011. Whanganul

At the same day of Niue's issue, New Zealand Post issued their long-term charity series. This time, it features three endangered flightless species which are endemic to small areas of New Zealand. In the meantime, post office issued a irregular souvenir sheet in Takahe shape.

North Island Brown Kiwi only endemic to variety areas of North Island, and also some offshore islands near North Island. The species was a subspecies of Common Kiwi (大奇威鳥) before 2000. Afterwards it separated into 3 species include Okarito Kiwi (歐卡里托鷸鴕), which named in 2003. North Island Brown Kiwi is the first time appeared on stamp and now population about 5.000 birds.

Takahe, formally called South Island Takahe, to divide North Island Takahe (短翅水雞) which has been extincted in New Zealand. In 1898, the biologist assumed South Island Takahe was extincted, but it be rediscovered in the Murchison Mountains on 1948. Now only near 230 birds remain inhabiting in some off-shore islands of South Island.

Kakapo also has its own interesting story, it has been shown in 2009, a WWF issue of New Zealand.