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3 April 2012

The bird of the year 2011

Postmark : Redstart (紅尾鴝)
Germany (2011)
22nd October, 2011. Neubrandenburg

In Europe, some countries glad to choose a species be a bird of the year of the countries, it mostly arranged by national conservation organisation or department. Sometimes, like Belarus, Estonia and Latvia, issue a stamp to let their people know which bird is 'the bird of the year'. In Germany, it also has same activity but post office rarely to issue stamp, mostly there has a special pictorial postmark to commemorate the activity. Above one, used on 2011, is a redstart which was an actor of this year.

Redstart is breeding in Germany and Europe, partly northern Africa. In winter it migrates to sub-African area and back for Europe next year.

Postmark : Redstart (紅尾鴝)
Germany (2011)
6th November, 2011. Gaildorf