Due to heavy reconstruction of this webpage, this blog is temporary suspended to renew in this summer, it will be updated again after late-autumn, thank you for your visits in these 9 years.

21 December 2012

Biodiversity SOAR of Ireland

Eurasian Kestrel (紅隼)
Ireland (2012)

9th August, 2012. Dublin

Come again, it is the third series of Biodiversity definitive SOAR for Ireland, eight labels issued cover variety family as well as before. The bird choose Kestrel, which is common birds of prey in this country. Above maxicard shown the Kestrel label while below cover shown Irish Hare, an endemic species to Ireland and Northern Ireland of Great Britain.

Still have two series of Biodiversity definitive SOAR to be issued in following two years. As it is the last post of 2012, I wish all you Happy New Year in 2013.

Irish Hare (愛爾蘭雪兔)
Ireland (2012)

9th August, 2012. Dublin