Tree Sparrow (麻雀)
Macao (2013)
1st November, 2013. Macao
Macao (2013)
1st November, 2013. Macao
Eurasian Tree Sparrow is widespread in the towns and cities of eastern Asia, but in Europe it is a bird of lightly wooded open countryside, with the House Sparrow breeding in the more urban areas. The Eurasian Tree Sparrow's extensive range and large population ensure that it is not endangered globally, but there have been large declines in western European populations, in part due to changes in farming practices involving increased use of herbicides and loss of winter stubble fields. In eastern Asia and western Australia, this species is sometimes viewed as a pest, although it is also widely celebrated in oriental art.
Tree Sparrow (麻雀)
Macao (2013)
1st November, 2013. Centro Cultural
Macao (2013)
1st November, 2013. Centro Cultural