From left to right :
NT$12 : Congo Grey Parrot (剛果灰鸚鵡) ; NT$5 : Blue-winged Parakeet (藍翅鸚哥)
NT$25 : Australian King Parrot (澳洲國王鸚鵡)
NT$5 : Double Yellow-headed Amazon (雙黃頭亞馬遜鸚鵡)
Taiwan (1999)
23rd April, 2009. National Palace Museum, Shihlin
27th April, 2009. Hongkong
NT$12 : Congo Grey Parrot (剛果灰鸚鵡) ; NT$5 : Blue-winged Parakeet (藍翅鸚哥)
NT$25 : Australian King Parrot (澳洲國王鸚鵡)
NT$5 : Double Yellow-headed Amazon (雙黃頭亞馬遜鸚鵡)
Taiwan (1999)
23rd April, 2009. National Palace Museum, Shihlin
27th April, 2009. Hongkong
Once again, the cover franked with four Chinese ancient paintings from National Palace Museum. Since 1997, post office of Taiwan issued 5 sets of such ancient bird paintings and here is the second set feature four different parrots. Those paintings were drawn by unknown painters in Ching dynasty. However, China doesn't have wild live or origin live parrots, so parrots have been imported for pet market in China more than 100 years history.
These four parrots can be found in different area, which located in forest of west Africa, Topical forest of Brazil or Australia. They are still famous and popular pets nowadays. The cover with Congo Grey Parrot illustration, originally for Sao Tome e Principe WWF issue.