Due to heavy reconstruction of this webpage, this blog is temporary suspended to renew in this summer, it will be updated again after late-autumn, thank you for your visits in these 9 years.

5 February 2011

Post & Go labels (II)

From left to right :
Common Blackbird (烏鶇) ; Common Magpie (喜鵲) ; Eurasian Collared-Dove (灰斑鳩)
European Greenfinch (金翅雀) ; Long-tailed Tit (銀喉長尾山雀) ; Chaffinch (蒼頭燕雀)

Great Britain (2011)
24th January, 2011. Trafalgar Square, London

After three months of first bird theme Post & Go labels, the Post Office released second set on January also features 6 common birds. The new set similar to first sixes are illustrated by Peter Horridge but not colourful as first sixes. Once again, thanks to Yoram sent me this cover on the day of issue. As before, the labels are obtained from Trafalgar Square according to the code imprinted on labels.