Caspian Tern (紅咀巨鷗)
Senegal (1993)
27th November, 2008. Fatick
Caspian Tern is a migratory bird, mainly live in northern Europe, Middle-East and Far Asia, and migrating to southern part of the world. Parc National du Delta du Saloum is located in Fatick region, which is one important place for Caspian Tern bleeding in winter.

Gull-billed Tern (鷗咀噪鷗)
Senegal (1993)
27th November, 2008. Saint-Louis
Gull-billed Tern also a migratory bird, same as Caspian Tern, it widely found in northern Europe and Africa, Middle-East and Far East, and bleeding in southern America, Indian Ocean and Australia. Parc de la Langue de Barbarie near the city of Saint-Louis, an important wetland in north-west Senegal, and also in the world.

145F : Gull-billed Tern (鷗咀噪鷗) ; 90F : Caspian Tern (紅咀巨鷗)
Senegal (1993)
1st December, 2008. Avenue Peytavin, Dakar
1st December, 2008. Dakar Central
13th December, 2008. Hongkong
Special thanks Kristiina who sent me many beautiful postcards, although they are fully printed in Russian on the back side, I could use them to make many maxicard. I spit my block of 4 for the cards and above envelope.
Caspian Tern and Gull-billed Tern are very common in Hongkong during winter. However, I haven't court how many Terns can be found in Hongkong.