R3 : Woodland Kingfisher (林地翠鳥) ; R20 : Violet-crested Turaco (紫冠蕉鵑)
5c : Palette Surgeonfish (黃尾副刺尾魚)
R1,30 (L) : Blue Marguerite (蘭雛菊) ; R1,30 (R) : Botterblom (美麗勳章菊)
South Africa (2000)
23th September, 2009. Pretoria
7th October, 2009. Hongkong
5c : Palette Surgeonfish (黃尾副刺尾魚)
R1,30 (L) : Blue Marguerite (蘭雛菊) ; R1,30 (R) : Botterblom (美麗勳章菊)
South Africa (2000)
23th September, 2009. Pretoria
7th October, 2009. Hongkong
In millennium, South Africa released their seventh definitive stamps after its independence. Stamps illustrate South African flowers, butterflies, fishes and birds, and also moths of its extended issues on 2002. Only 5 high value stamps are bird thematic issue, above cover is two of them. Woodland Kingfisher is one of the most common species in Africa, mostly lives in south of Sahara. It looks similar with Common Kingfisher (普通翠鳥) but smaller, and with reddish bill. Violet-crested Turaco widely to be found in eastern African countries include Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and South Africa, it is a national bird of Swaziland.
Other species appear on this cover also seem attractive. Botterblom is a popular colourful flower of backyard or garden, original planted in east and north parts of South Africa ; and widely to be found them in Lesotho, Swaziland and Zambia. Blue Marguerite is a local wild flower, commonly planted in north and north-west of Africa. Palette Surgeonfish is a common surgeon live in the range of topical pan-Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, blue coloured body with sharp yellow tail likes a valuable jewelle. It became famous pet fish after it visible on the cartoon movie Nemo.