From let to right :
$2,00 : Violaceous Euphonia (紫歌雀)
50c : Copper-rumped Hummingbird (銅色腰蜂鳥)
$5,00 : Green Honeycreeper (紫蓝旋蜜雀) ; $1,00 : Bananaquit (蕉森鶯)
Trinidad and Tobago (1990, reprint : 1997)
4th September, 2009. Business Centre, Port of Spain
22nd March, 2010. Hongkong
In last post shown a last mail of 2009, it really last as it was cancelled on December 31, the last day of 2009. However it does not last of the last, today I received one mail sent from Trinidad by Matthew, thanks for his great mail and and it was terrible that this snail mail spent 6 months in the journey. The mail affixed four different bird definitive stamps issued on 1990. However the stamp Green Honeycreeper ($5,00) is mirror different than other as it was teased out from Hongkong '97 stamp exhibition souvenir sheet, and the bottom of stamp indicated 1997 instead of 1990.
The first two birds, are very rare appear on the world wide stamps and only these two recorded. Violaceous Euphonia, a small finch with yellowish underparts and blue-black upperparts, it locality called Semp is a resident to be found in South America, Trinidad and Tobago. Copper-rumped Hummingbird is a small hummingbird, as well breed areas as Violaceous Euphonia, however the activity range only to Venezuela. Green Honeycreeper to be found in tropical area of America, from Mexico to Columbia, it is in beautiful green colour with light-yellow bill. Bananaquit, mostly appears in south Mexico and West Indies islands. Four birds are not endangered species and very common in Trinidad and Tobago.