From left to bottom :
Red-crested Cardinal (紅冠繼嘴鵐) ; Guianan Cock-of-the-rock (圭亞那動冠傘鳥)
Blue-naped Chlorophonia (藍枕綠雀) ; Blue Finch (黃嘴藍鵐)
Red-necked Tanager (紅頸唐納雀) ; Scarlet-headed Blackbird (紅頭黑鸝)
Brazil (2009)
2nd October, 2009. São Paulo (First day postmark)
12th November, 2009. Philatelic Bureau, Río de Janeiro
Red-crested Cardinal (紅冠繼嘴鵐) ; Guianan Cock-of-the-rock (圭亞那動冠傘鳥)
Blue-naped Chlorophonia (藍枕綠雀) ; Blue Finch (黃嘴藍鵐)
Red-necked Tanager (紅頸唐納雀) ; Scarlet-headed Blackbird (紅頭黑鸝)
Brazil (2009)
2nd October, 2009. São Paulo (First day postmark)
12th November, 2009. Philatelic Bureau, Río de Janeiro
To commemorate Brazil participated Lubrapex 2009 at Évora of Portugal, Brazil Post issued a sheetlet on 2nd October which is the first day of exhibition. The sheet contains six beautiful bird stamps which are common to Brazil and South American countries, the bird on each stamps specially printed with UV varnishing. Border of the sheetlet bore logos Lubrapex 2009 and Birdpex 6, a stamp exhibition will be held on Belgium on 2010. Thanks to Lincoln who sent me two beautiful covers of this issue, one with special cancellation and other one postmarked normal cancellation.
Until 2009, Brazil Issued more than 100 bird stamps and mostly are different, two of recent issues have been shown here and more may be shown in future. Today is the last day of 2009, of course it is the last post of this year, in here wish all happy new year.